Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Episode 31 - The Mountain and The Ocean

We've finally found our perfect complimentary nicknames. And it is beautiful.

Episode 31! That's a bunch. And you're listening to em. Thanks for that. ALSO THANKS IN ADVANCE for telling your friends, sharing the link, tweeting about us, rating us on iTunes etc etc etc. and HEY we are now available in the Zune/Xbox marketplace - how about that.


Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Will she kill?

It's Sunday night?!

Bob's working the zombie shift

Our existential crises

Carolyn thinks we're amazing


The inspiration behind Sideshow

Sidney's got ideas

Tony's loooooong weekend / stripperless bachelor party

Tony's getting manly on it

Faces of death bachelor party

Nick is momming Tony

Offbrand candy

Bob's not marrying Kipp

Word of the day


Tony's sister is not going to be on The Pizza Party

The blood holds the secrets

Bad science

Someone is calling Bob

The best shark movie you've never seen

I'm going to watch it then do it

Ethan Hawke isn't in Apt Pupil

Brad Renfro is dead/stole a boat

Tony isn't a 55 year old cool uncle/doesn't care about The Flying Burrito Brothers

The premise is the joke

Caption Contest!

New Yorker Caption Contest tumblr

Tony's out of jokes

Gentleman's Guide

Frantic search for collar buttons

Bob's coworkers all think they are good looking enough already

Bob looks like all the hunks

Tony is hosting quizzo/is mean

Bartram isn't smart/has bad fashion sense

Pizza party forever

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Episode 29 - Leaves Don't Fall on Their Edges

Ahhhh I was just 29 when we started this thing. Memories. And as I turned 30, so will our podcast next week. BUT FIRST - we dole out some advice, some secrets and some laughs for you, our friends. Don't forget to share us. It's the least you could do, really.

Talking, turning into wonder

As always, here is the Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Oh, Tony

(Stupid) Word of the Day

Quips & Quizzes

Urban Dictionary Boys

Technical difficulties

It's Friday!

Listener Feedback!

Pizza Party Foreign Correspondent - The Boys & A Girl

We should take calls

Tony is unfocused

You don't want to lay your lady down in the brambles

Showing you things on my hand

 The "Stussy S"

The mystery

You are cordially invited to join the Pen15 club


Card games

Bob's journal

Talking, turning into wonder

The feast of yams

Good Advice from a Bad Person

You're white

Get a job

Bob's lookbook: financial adviser on vacay

No really, get a job

Bob's new name: Champion

Scary in all the right places

Bob's baby babe, Baby

Tony's new name: Hercules J. Billionaire

Bob's friend's ceremonial names

Luau Cinder

Bunny rabbit makeovers

High school kids are dumb as hell

Tony's homespun aphorisms

Leaves don't fall on their edges

Never say yes

Poet BOREeat

Bob's secret crush

Tony inspires strong feelings

Celeb beef

The Arcade Fire are boring as hell

The Boys are split on Elvis Costello

...and Lou Reed

Kurt v. Axl 

Caption contest!


The Gentleman's Guide: Variations Underneath

Poco briefs

String underwear? You probably shouldn't click this but it was the first image on Google

Pizza Party Forever

Thanks for listening!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Episode 28 - Nothing but Love

Wow you guys look great today. Have you been working out? It shows.

Episode 28, and what an episode it is. The hour really flew by this week. It was fun as hell, and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did.

Please do us a solid and rate us on iTunes, share us on Facebook, shout us from the rooftops. Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook, email, Twitter or on the streets. We are always very welcoming to your careful and intelligent input.

ANYWAY this episode is a real treat for you and us.

As always, the Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Tony's New Favorite Shirt

Word of the day! And Tony doesn't know it

Ok Tony was right about podes right though

Riley Cooper is in big trouble

Tony will fight every Sublime fan with good taste

Kimbo Slice might have been at that Kenny Chesney concert

Didn't you see Remember the Titans?

Devil's Breath

Old-timey villain drug

I held the door for you and your bros

Tony wants an Egg Cream

Who is doing your soundtrack?

A dude from Devo I think? (Danny Elfman instead)

Seriously though that X-Men song is so good

MTV made everyone cute

Bob's gender studies project: rape jokes

Tony's a man with feelings

Not enough men are taught to be lovable

Tony's ruining a beautiful thing

Japan's suicide forest

Lava and quicksand: hot topics

Suicide Rangers

Klingons constantly kill themselves

Stop talking about Throbbing Gristle

Two are Real, One is Fake!

Radiohead vs. Coldplay vs. Tony

Word to the wise

It's August

Caption Contest!

Never Not Funny

Philip Seymour Sousa

Gentleman's Guide: Underwear

New World Underpants

Tony: pro undershirt

Ew, man

Underpants instincts

Something very exciting is happening right now:

Kipp is here!

Corn Cookies, eat 'em

He's in Korn, what do you expect

Give Tony Ke$ha's phone number for Christmas

Ke$ha steals naughty children for Christmas

Kipp's tween/YA/slash-fic book recommendation 

Kipps creeped out by your tighty whities

Caption (Kipption) Contest Remix

Tony doesn't want to hear about your salad

Pizza Party Forever

Thanks for listening!