Monday, September 23, 2013

Episode 35 - Bob is Doing Much Better Now

Thirty-five and still alive. Welcome aboard, dorks. I love you all. Here is a cooooool podcast episode where we talk about cooooool stuff. Thanks for the support. Keep up the good work. Tell a friend, tweet about us, post us on Facebook etc etc. We rely on listeners like you! Pledge drive

Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Rock and Roll (part two)

Pizza Party Church

Feed your brain

Accidental Jedis

The boys are tweens / pre-deluvian 

Tony's food nightmare

Tony is such a jerk about food / everything

Bob's pirate party adventure

No cherry cordials for the boys

Baristas love yoga instructors

Tony might get dead lifted

 Bob's a-flirtin'

Spoiler alert! They're lesbians

Bob's considering some lesbian indecent proposals

Bad dads

Bob looks like Tegan & Sara

Bob's picks! Foootballlll

Bob's leadpipe lock of the week (won!)

Real life NFL battles: Buccaneers vs. Patriots

Dolphins are nature's barista

Jets beat everything, are ok with getting struck by lightning 

Mr. Kerns, feller of trees, purveyor of science

Tony's moving to the woods, going insane

Bob's jobs

The panther and the monkey

Couple lesbians biting you and you're good to go

Tony's got a budget

Bob's tooth wrecked his summer

Tony broke his arm

Bobby broke his arm / got clotheslined / got yelled at 

Theater injuries

Gentleman's Guide

He hates your weave

Tony's pumptown outfit

Caption Contest!

This somehow didn't win

From our throats to your ears

Pizza Party Forever

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Episode 32 - RIP Mario Von Peebles

Don't worry guys, he's not really dead. Just like Jaws 4!

REAL special treat for you this week. I don't want to spoil it. So I won't. Don't forget to tell a friend and do all that other stuff to spread our gospel. Thanks!

Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Another soldier from the ranks, Bob don't break the sofa, moving rugs, don't do that

Bob's afraid of pulling

Nick's here again! This time, it's personal

Jaws 4 lol

Mario VP - not dead!

Pizza Dub Echo

We don't know knots

Portlandia is ripping off Dorf

Word of the Day

Bad app, bro

Don't eat meat that eats meat

Bob's photo album:

looking good, guys

Three men on mushrooms and a baby

Bob was historically not cool that night

That disease that makes you tall and sad

Our first dunking president

The Pizza Party Podcast, eliminating disease

Bob is such a party pooper

Burning Dan

Burning man changed Tony

...into a snake charmer? named baba cool dad?

Tony on acid vs buildings?

The Gathering is the last bastion of hope

No jokes today

Grantland's song tournament

This goes on for a while

Bob feels bad for teenage girls

Caption contest!

Not enough shirt on The Boys

Gentleman's Guide

Nick is so yoked up right now you guys

Tony's unsafe at Express for Men/Euro discoteques

Tony's getting a nightshirt!

Superman vs. the KKK

You will find this detail on all good shirts

Thanks Nick!

Pizza Party Forever

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Episode 31 - The Mountain and The Ocean

We've finally found our perfect complimentary nicknames. And it is beautiful.

Episode 31! That's a bunch. And you're listening to em. Thanks for that. ALSO THANKS IN ADVANCE for telling your friends, sharing the link, tweeting about us, rating us on iTunes etc etc etc. and HEY we are now available in the Zune/Xbox marketplace - how about that.


Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Will she kill?

It's Sunday night?!

Bob's working the zombie shift

Our existential crises

Carolyn thinks we're amazing


The inspiration behind Sideshow

Sidney's got ideas

Tony's loooooong weekend / stripperless bachelor party

Tony's getting manly on it

Faces of death bachelor party

Nick is momming Tony

Offbrand candy

Bob's not marrying Kipp

Word of the day


Tony's sister is not going to be on The Pizza Party

The blood holds the secrets

Bad science

Someone is calling Bob

The best shark movie you've never seen

I'm going to watch it then do it

Ethan Hawke isn't in Apt Pupil

Brad Renfro is dead/stole a boat

Tony isn't a 55 year old cool uncle/doesn't care about The Flying Burrito Brothers

The premise is the joke

Caption Contest!

New Yorker Caption Contest tumblr

Tony's out of jokes

Gentleman's Guide

Frantic search for collar buttons

Bob's coworkers all think they are good looking enough already

Bob looks like all the hunks

Tony is hosting quizzo/is mean

Bartram isn't smart/has bad fashion sense

Pizza party forever

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Episode 29 - Leaves Don't Fall on Their Edges

Ahhhh I was just 29 when we started this thing. Memories. And as I turned 30, so will our podcast next week. BUT FIRST - we dole out some advice, some secrets and some laughs for you, our friends. Don't forget to share us. It's the least you could do, really.

Talking, turning into wonder

As always, here is the Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Oh, Tony

(Stupid) Word of the Day

Quips & Quizzes

Urban Dictionary Boys

Technical difficulties

It's Friday!

Listener Feedback!

Pizza Party Foreign Correspondent - The Boys & A Girl

We should take calls

Tony is unfocused

You don't want to lay your lady down in the brambles

Showing you things on my hand

 The "Stussy S"

The mystery

You are cordially invited to join the Pen15 club


Card games

Bob's journal

Talking, turning into wonder

The feast of yams

Good Advice from a Bad Person

You're white

Get a job

Bob's lookbook: financial adviser on vacay

No really, get a job

Bob's new name: Champion

Scary in all the right places

Bob's baby babe, Baby

Tony's new name: Hercules J. Billionaire

Bob's friend's ceremonial names

Luau Cinder

Bunny rabbit makeovers

High school kids are dumb as hell

Tony's homespun aphorisms

Leaves don't fall on their edges

Never say yes

Poet BOREeat

Bob's secret crush

Tony inspires strong feelings

Celeb beef

The Arcade Fire are boring as hell

The Boys are split on Elvis Costello

...and Lou Reed

Kurt v. Axl 

Caption contest!


The Gentleman's Guide: Variations Underneath

Poco briefs

String underwear? You probably shouldn't click this but it was the first image on Google

Pizza Party Forever

Thanks for listening!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Episode 28 - Nothing but Love

Wow you guys look great today. Have you been working out? It shows.

Episode 28, and what an episode it is. The hour really flew by this week. It was fun as hell, and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did.

Please do us a solid and rate us on iTunes, share us on Facebook, shout us from the rooftops. Feel free to reach out to us on Facebook, email, Twitter or on the streets. We are always very welcoming to your careful and intelligent input.

ANYWAY this episode is a real treat for you and us.

As always, the Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Tony's New Favorite Shirt

Word of the day! And Tony doesn't know it

Ok Tony was right about podes right though

Riley Cooper is in big trouble

Tony will fight every Sublime fan with good taste

Kimbo Slice might have been at that Kenny Chesney concert

Didn't you see Remember the Titans?

Devil's Breath

Old-timey villain drug

I held the door for you and your bros

Tony wants an Egg Cream

Who is doing your soundtrack?

A dude from Devo I think? (Danny Elfman instead)

Seriously though that X-Men song is so good

MTV made everyone cute

Bob's gender studies project: rape jokes

Tony's a man with feelings

Not enough men are taught to be lovable

Tony's ruining a beautiful thing

Japan's suicide forest

Lava and quicksand: hot topics

Suicide Rangers

Klingons constantly kill themselves

Stop talking about Throbbing Gristle

Two are Real, One is Fake!

Radiohead vs. Coldplay vs. Tony

Word to the wise

It's August

Caption Contest!

Never Not Funny

Philip Seymour Sousa

Gentleman's Guide: Underwear

New World Underpants

Tony: pro undershirt

Ew, man

Underpants instincts

Something very exciting is happening right now:

Kipp is here!

Corn Cookies, eat 'em

He's in Korn, what do you expect

Give Tony Ke$ha's phone number for Christmas

Ke$ha steals naughty children for Christmas

Kipp's tween/YA/slash-fic book recommendation 

Kipps creeped out by your tighty whities

Caption (Kipption) Contest Remix

Tony doesn't want to hear about your salad

Pizza Party Forever

Thanks for listening!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Episode 27 - Do Bow Bow

The blog returns! Here I am, doing a blog! Hi guys, how are you? Crazy about the weather huh. Have you lost weight you look fantastic This episode is clean and mean and full of peen. Hope you enjoy!

As always, thanks for listening. If you enjoy it, share it - post it to your facebook, tweet it, review us on iTunes, whatever it takes. No surrender. And we ALWAYS welcome feedback, suggestions, What Does Tony Hate More, Good Advice from a Bad Person - anything really.

What's up guys?

Tony's wearing the same clothes two days in a row (and they have a monster on them)

What if God was one of us?

Bob's funemployment has come to an end

Bob the sickly sixth grader loved Mario 3

MegaMan is a hero of our time

Word of the Day - pica

Tony's wrong on science

Continual vs Continuous 

Listener feedback and weather and traffic

The Shining isn't about the Holocaust

Tony wrote a play lol

Bob's taking Sgt Pepper

Tony's not letting Bob make his point

Bob still loves documentaries

Keith burning the beats

Tony's taking Hemingway

Tony's wrong about Woodie Allen

Hemingway's personal correspondence (which Tony already talked about)

F. Scott Fitzgerald is kind of a wimp

Eric Clapton: Sorry; Ron Wood: YOLO

"Hey man you're gonna fuck it up"

Tony doesn't have that

Can't, won't, didn't

Hunter S. Thompson: sportswriter and asshole-fan-haver

You've got your hands full with these Arieses

Think about all the movies

Who is the greatest movie villain of all time? FEEL FREE TO WEIGH IN

Of course Tony picked Darth Vader

Is this cake song still on?

Poor Captain Hook

Tony's telling a Facebook story you guys

Bob's scared to get out of his bed because of clowns

What's the scariest thing that ever happened to you?

Icelandic fisherman are tough

Bob's illegally swimming

Fishermen can't swim

Avalanche defense

Avalanche is the best villain ever

Which movie about your life do you want to see?

Tony's going indie, Bob's going Michael Bay - surprise!

Rutger Hauer and An Avalanche starring in Bob Story

Carpuncher: How Tony Saved Christmas Forever

Catdancers lol

We didn't win and that's total bullshit

That's not a thing to joke about

Caption contest!! this one got kinda weird

The Gentleman's Guide to: Manicures

The DOGter got a MANicure

What did the fish say to the man?

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Episode 025 - Bon Papillon with Bobby Slumbers

Episode 25 and it's got some poorly pronounced French in it. And trees. And cologne. And tales of redemption. It's really a beautiful slice-of-life look at the lives of two boys. Or something. Listen! Rate! Share! Backfeed!

There are lots of things Bob could do that would be smart that he doesn't do

Cognitive dissonance and the lazy moralism

Recycling is a sham

Wake up sheeple!

Dogtor hahahah

Bob's cultivating a personal brand

Why you look like that man, why you do that

Bob body, Hitler head

Bob's offering up a look to you

Tony's strongly anti vest

Bob was known as The Newsy

Tony's smart and knows words


Tony is unavailing

Tony had to go to the hospital :(

Jerk Wagon

She was a million and she was allergic to Valtrex

The Newsy does not have Herpes

Bad dads

DJ Cool Dad losing his weekend visitation rights cause the kid got a brain injury

Tony was wheeled around on a gurney like a corpse

Oh cool it's dry in the middle here

Tony, also strongly anti coconut

We goin' ham over some elderberry over here

Here's a bon ponpolon

The boys are going tubing

Tony's swimming about like a river otter

B-) no more

Twitter saves the day!

Warby Parker: endorsed

Tony's got a really (kinda) high Klout score

The Pizza Party's first official backwards endorsement/advertisement

Michael Martinez's Baseball Reference page

He seriously looks just like Mopo

Faceball and Basebook

If you want high self esteem, do esteemable things

Tony's got a good moon team going

Virgin Galactic

The Boat Museum

Literal monsters

Science Death

Dying in space is a glorious way to go

Tony wants to bring back seeking the hero's death

Bob isn't being clotheslined, railroaded or sandbagged


This week's upChuck

That hipster noise band loves the Phillies

Loch Ness vs. Sasquatch vs. Presidential Thyroid Cancer, who ya got?

Bob's leading with Sasquatch, Tony's leading with the Loch Ness monster

What if Bigfoot has cancer? What if Bigfoot is president?

When's our first AIDS president? When's our first atheist president? When's our first Loch Ness president?

Don't trust the Catholic presidents

Don't trust River monsters

Where's the blue fur?

Zebra time

You can't break a zebra

Bob has a present for Tony!!

How many trees can you name? What about the colors of the wind?

Tony had to take a call

Secret hater in the studio/Tony's going shopping

What's your favorite tree?

Bobby Slumbers is turning in his pen

Soft voices, medically driving the ladies mad

It's time for Bobby Slumbers presents: The Gentleman's Guide

Tony's looking for a new fragrance

Bam Bam Bigelow's new fragrance house

It's a charming talc

PPP fans yelling mashed potatoes

Designer stubble won't go away

This derby really smells like limes, weird

Bob hates bergamot and Earl Grey

I liked that fragrance before it was cool

Cologne jokes aren't very funny

SAY IT say it please

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Episode 024 - Jammin'

Hey guys! Look - a blog! Sorry there wasn't one last week :( This episode is prettttty pretty cool though. We get all patriotic and stuff for the Fourth, and talk a little video games. Thanks for listening. Happy America. As always, feel free to get at us on Facebook, Twitter, email - or leave us a review on iTunes. Most importantly, tell a friend. Right to the moon.

Listen Along With Us Listener Guide:

The walkaround music

(We're talking about this fantastic game)

 Nintendo Power

Bob's Haircut

The peak of butt stuff / the salad days of your butt

Bob hoped he got fired for his long hair

What's a fascinator?

The barber called baby Bobby a bad name

Bob can't stop layering

I didn't find that Vine

Meeting our fans

Bob lost his stylist in the fire

Listener feedback!

DJ Bad One and DJ Cool Dad

Tony made America proud

We had all the sports

A big party that all your friends have to come to and bring presents that you picked out

Ironic troublemaking

What Does Tony Hate More?

Club Kids vs. Hippies

Ravers might be libertarians, you don't know

Pro Bono Rave Lawyer

Snow vs. Cotton

Kale vs. People Who Like Kale

Stop talking about food

I don't know what fish do

Bob Dylan vs. Bob Marley

What Does Bob Love More?


Two are Real, One is Fake!

Tony is so fooled

That was so stupid only Bob Marley could have come up with it

Bobs mom likes the New Yorker Cartoons caption contests

Tony's got some moon people on his side

Bob hates Ohio

Secret Drifter Dick News

Penisless footchase

Jake Peniscop

Speaking of shirtless drifters

Maryland: No shirts, all trampolines

Bob likes Baltimore's witchiness

Mmmm, hush puppies

No palfreys for Tony

Caption Contest!

Tony's Bookshelf

Men's Adventure

The Gentleman's Guide

Tony earns his full fierceness

Designer stubble

Pizza Party Forever

Thanks for listening!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Episode 022 - We Love Nichole!

Double deuce. It's a good one too. The New Yorker doesn't know comedy, but WE DO. Thanks again for listening, as always. And for coming to this blog. If you want, we'd love it if you told your friends about The Pizza Party Podcast. Or shoot over to iTunes and write a review. Don't be shy either! We're very available via email, Facebook and Twitter!

Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Goodnight sweet prince

Bob's weirded out by the internet/celebrity deaths/hoaxes


Star Warms

Obituary ready to go


Tony's son

Bob's son/Tony

Seven brothers for seven brothers

Bob goes unreviewed

Surprisingly, people would watch a six-hour play

Revenge of the Bob

Super America

Tony's turning on a light, bob's crinkling a bag - MUST HEAR PODCASTING

Tony loves Bob's Morrissey

Tony's sheets are so slutty

Bob is floored by the skyrocketing sheet prices

Tony's bored

What does Tony hate more?

No fair!

Dick News

The Rock's fun penis pain

If Bob gets famous, we're coming with him

Tony Security

Still no word from Frakes

Kudrow's got the Friends money, Riker's got the Riker money

RIP Tasha Yar

Bob's taking out the games folio for...

Two are real one is fake!

Tony is very good at the Misfits

Bob could rock Tony

Bob, not quite ready to retire the flip phone

I sent this with my thumb

Bob's writing poetry (about Nichole)

The Gentleman's Guide

Hairstyles with character

Tony's browning up the dome / getting bronzed

Conductor hairdos

 Homeless people assume Bob's a musician

Everyone assumes Tony works in computers

Bob's a dandy

Tony's singing

The athletic doorman of the nightclub wears a ponytail

Bob's getting an eyeful today

The Pizza Party Junglebook

Paula Deen got in trouble

Daytime Date Destinations

Peein / in the shower / rockin / to the dawn

People who read the New Yorker continue to be aggressively unfunny

Copmath funny joke times


The (non) winner!

Pizza party forever

Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Episode 021 - Big Poison/Little Poison

CHEERS! We're 21 now. Let's get drunk as hellllllllll. On life.

Now and forever: The Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Bob can't look at Larry Fishburne

Why would you like it, it's not good?

Hear of Darkness is a good book

Seriously, Joseph Conrad is bonkers

Suicide chat, with The Boys :/

Bob's very busy

Theater people are dramatic
Remember you wrote me that letter? That was [really] weird.

People are wrong about writing

Tony is not a creative type 

The drunkest man Bob has ever seen

The US Open has come to our town

Moisture-wicking polo shirts left and right

Bob's mad at an old lady

We should golf

My dad is you

Come and knock on my door

Terry back up, I can't do it

People don't want Tony's help

Kim Deal quit the not Pixies

Elton John put out a lot of records

Behind the Candelabra

Game of Thrones is good as hell

Treat the horses fairly

It's not that cool to ride a horse

Enter the horse world

Bob's too tired to barista

What Does Tony Hate More?

Mickey Rourke likes punching

Theme parties are terrible

The 80s vs the 90s (spoiler alert: both terrible)

We do love INXS though

Bob longs for the times of Gatsby

Bob's got an appointment with a talent agent, Tony's not invited

Bob's gentleman payday

Tony's a former professional Tweeter

Tony hates party poopers

The Boys go to the Barber

The Pizza Party Podcast: A Paradise for Men

A real gentleman does not allow himself to be touched by a woman

Is there a dude nurse who can touch me?

I wanna see a pair of wingtips

Beard confusion

Bob loves documentaries

Get over Pussy Riot

Bob's perfect day pt. 2

Big Poison

Little Poison

Bob still loves documentaries

The ET video game

Tony MAYBE got duped about Conan/He-Man

Tony getting duped

Tony, wrong a lot today

Bison in San Fran

Keep animation out of my documentaries!

Thanks for listening!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Episode 020 - Pools of Maroon

WHOA you guys this episode starts with a 2! And not like a poop 2. Just a number 2. like TWENTY EPISODES OF PIZZA PARTY. All 4 U guyz

And here, for your edification, is the Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

It's time to have a baby


The Hum

The Hmm

The world has gotten louder

Look how the stars shine for you, bob

I don't know what you're doing here, man

My toaster is a C#

People are sadder than ever

The real Dr. Pepper

We're almost old enough to drink, but we won't

Just two boys today

Bob's ideal day

Tony's anti-sleep

Bob thinks Tony should do all the crystal meth

Drugs didn't make the Beatles better

The Beatles are on steroids

Bob is mocking me

Are you hearing this face?

Listener Feedback!

Joe's a Bob guy

Poll results!

Zelda chat/shadow Tony


Ghost ship coconut rumble

 Tony has no self-loathing

Weedwacker violence (don't wear shorts)

What Does Tony Hate More?

Tony hates Kayaks more

Tony hates bicyclists more (but joggers are real bad too)

6 months in a Chinese prison, got out for fate

Tony hates Robin Williams more

Tony hates the fat one more (Vanessa Carlton)

Tony hates bicyclists most

Pearl Jam

Two Are Real One Is Fake

Bob's stumping Tony on the fly

New Yorker Caption Contest

More like BORED meeting

The Boys, bringing it real and raw

The Gentleman's Guide to Grooming and Style

Don't shave with aerosol you scumbags

You need badgers in your life

Bob's a real gentleman

Tony and Bob both smell GREAT

The boys, casting wishes

Tony's got a hard beard

Eyeball's getting cut

Dali's turds

Thanks for listening!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Episode 019 - Pineapple Cake

Hey guys! Episode 019 is here and it's special. Because it's different. Like all of you, and all of us. Snowflakes. Here's our favorite snowflake, Nick.
Don't forget to vote in the listener poll on Facebook, rate us on iTunes etc. Also, tell a friend! That's important. AND! Try out our new game/segment/whatever - What Does Tony Hate More? Submit two things (don't have to be related) to find out which of the two things Tony hates more. Submit via Facebook, Twitter, email - WHATEVER works for you!

And now, the Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

What the hell is happening? Who is that? HUH!

It's Nick!

Nick in the studio

We got going by ten o'clock

Bob is sweating/it's hot in the dildojo

Baseball Talk with The Boys

It's pronounced JIF, dummies

Bob prefers the formal Jiffy

Tony's style advice: stop balding

Bob's offended/Tony's offended

Bob's not editing - this is going RAW and REAL

PPP live broadcast

Nick's a tough get

Which Police Academy character are you?

Bob loves the ol' dork sunscreen gag

Bob's astral opening

Bob's drawing mean pictures of Tony and Nick

Tony's setup

Car Crash Boner Catch Wire

Ryan Phillippe in Crash

Fun with initials!

Bossman Junior

Listener Feedback

Tricked by a Brit!

Gangs are from LA

We are both colonies

Ned Kelly, badass Australian

Bob, give us some Man of La Mancha

The Java Server

Everyone loves a good mystery

Tony's dad's culture report

Australians are named Bruce

We haven't heard from Frakes yet

Adrian Beltre gifs

We got the stats

Tony's #1 summer jam

Billboard's list is a sham

Peabo Bryson

Wanna write good songs? Have a bad dad

Speaking of strokes

Nick got some white zin'

Tony's favorite era of mythical California

California hasn't been punching each other since the 1700's

Bob is Sly Stone

Everyone who isn't from the Northeast is SO SLOW

One thing about murders

Compstat stopped the murders (started the murders?)

Crimetalk with The Boys musical cue

New bit! by Jack

What Does Tony Hate More?

Ironic Hitler mustache

George Michael fell out of a car

People are really annoying about Arrested Development

Tony dated Lucille/Mrs. Archer

New Yorker cartoon caption contest!

We're not doing well this week

Bob's making us very uncomfortable

We don't have any jokes

Two are Real, One is Fake


Thanks for listening! Thanks to Nick for being on the show!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Episode 018 - My First Affair With That Older Woman

Hey guys! How are you? You look great, did you lose weight?
Here is episode 018 - our Memorial Day Extravaganza! In which we don't mention Memorial Day at all. We do mention a bunch of other super cool shit though, like Lena Dunham and giraffes and sexy sex and stuff.
We hope you like it, and share it on iTunes, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Friendster and FakeBlock (we watch shows!)

And here, just as sure as the sun will rise, is the Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Hey man, nice levels

Tony bears a special distinction, is not wearing shoes

 Bob forgot he was wearing a hat



Tiny little wormholes

How wormholes actually work since The Boys don't really know what they are talking about

More science chat with The Boys

Bob's permanently high

Tony wants HGH

Sly's too ripped

Tony doesn't know his Rocky

First Blood (Rambo) Original Ending

Little Shop of Horrors Original Ending

Levi Stubbs

That's not Star Wars on Laserdisc that's in Tony's apartment

Best Friends Podcast

Benny Cumz

Tony is hanging his head in shame

Trek Talk, and Tony's got beef. Nerd beef.

Bob hasn't looked at Zachary Quinto lately

Different kinds of strength

Tony would whoop Baryshnikov's ass

Bob loves watching children fight

Sissyboy slapfights

Bob's been studying astral projection

Michael Crichton is tall as hell, writes like a dead man

Ladies, watch out for Bob astrally sexing you

Butthole Surfers are hard (NSFW (seriously there's a lot of penis), also bad)

 Danzig is my mom

Do something old, cause Ride the Lightning is fucking dope

Listener Poll!

Come on down, Jonathan Frakes

Sorry, Darren Finizio

Bob's tweeting the Frakedog, can't do two things at once

Tony's going through some personal changes right now

What Would Riker Do?

Riker Tony is a transitional phase

How have we not talked about Tony's beard

Let's make fun of South Philly

How is country music a thing among girls

Country music represents a false ideal, Tony has his sweatpants glasses on

Rascall Flatts DID cover Life is a Highway

Ryan's trying to pay his bills :(

South Philly/Morgans Pier = homely folks

The Funplex

Double hyphens, fuck the world

Micah Smith-Seymour-Rollins-Utley

We didn't go to high school with Eric Lindros

The Porn Parody of Girls

Lena Dunham is the WORST PERSON EVER

Seriously, worst person ever

The Pizza Party Podcast, brought to you by my f*#ing rage (also: this)

Let's play a game and calm down

Two are Fake (real) One is Real (fake)

Touch a monkey, win a prize

We didn't win the New Yorker caption contest :(

Jann Wenner's son

Boner joke

Tony's never/always mellow

Thanks for listening!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Episode 017 - Mr. Fist

We're only 17.  EPISODE 17 that is. We go a little Indiana Jones on your asses this week. More like Indiana JOKES amirite?

Rate us in iTunes, tweet us, facebook us - and most importantly, SHARE US. with your pals. Thanks!

Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Don't Try

"He spent all his free time writing!"

Bukowski = Yoda

Bob's trying his hardest

You gotta act like you don't care

Bob wants to talk to Mystery

Tony's Saint Bernard with pizza rolls

Dog teams? Ridiculous!

Basketball player refuses to fly

Tony's siding with labor

Crazy basketball players should stick to the north east

French babies don't have ADD

France is different, racist

Tony was uncomfortable

The Chicago Fire

Bob wants to drink a Palestinian Suicide Bomber

Figs in Tuscaloosa

The Pizza Party Podcast: We're All Dudes

Hurricane Ibis

The Philadelphia Bimbos

Chubby soccer fans go to grad school

"Masters degrees are a joke" - Tony

College isn't hard

Just rewrite it

Grammar fun with the boys

David Foster Wallace, good at commencement speeches, bad at not killing self

Tony is fast, furious

Two are real, one is fake - summer movie version

Mr. Fist

Car Puncher

Food Fight

You're wrong about British dudes, ladies

There are assholes everywhere

Keith Richards' library

Touch a boob, tell a friend, live your life, pizza party forever

Historical intrigue!

Gobekli Tepe

Norm's moth joke

New Yorker Cartoon Captions

At least yours doesn't poop

It's a small town, man

Tony got a jellyfish

Listener poll! no results. Keep it going.

Everybody is short

Riker's a tall man, Tony's hero

Tony has a Jean Luc Picard commemorative plate

Captains are assholes

 JLP is cooler than JTK

William Shatner is T(h)om Yorke

Thanks for listening! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Episode 016 - Mysterious Walker

Episode 016 - That's a bunch of episodes! Thanks for listening. As always, like us on Facebook, tell a friend, review us on iTunes - all of it. We need your help. Fly us to the moon.

We get a little weird this week, a little heavy, a little awesome. Get with it.

Here it is, the Listen Along With Us listener guide:

Tony's a terrible person

Give us some Good Advice from a Bad Person, please.

Four fours, and that's terrible

Unreduced fractions, infuriating us all

Saint Bartles & Jaymes

Tagged in The Last Supper

Hall of Fame Saint

How excited was my face?

Not up to Bob's snuff

This blog is in God's hands

Bob lived in Minneapolis

Fashion talk, with The Boys

Not enough schlong room

LBJ dirty talk

The dying noise

"LBJ's ghost is bunghole"

Phony/Funny baseball names

Bob's folio

Chicken Wolf

Red Cox

Bob wouldn't go dicks on Tony to try to fool him

Bob's parents are spiteful

JJ Putz

Spirit Guides?

"Hey baby - did it hurt? When you fell from Heaven? Because God cast you out of Heaven?"

Cats falling out windows :(

NASA is jealous of cats

Fly robots

Terminal velocity explained because we are bad at science

Cat parachute pose

Cat falling science

This whole thing is probably better without links, but way to go Jason Collins

That's terrible, Bob

ESPN apologizes for commentary

Documentaries about Jesus are unnecessary

RIP Jeff Hanneman

Spider bites are metal

The Westboro Baptist Church is metal?

Touching all the bases tonight (including second)

We're smart as hell

Tony got Bob a present

Bare Bones Burger Battle, still pending

Bob's got a special treat in store for you

Listener Poll Results!

Terry, our son

New listener poll: Who should we have on the show?

Green Lantern's oath

Gay superheroes

Robin is too stupid to realize Batman is a crazy asshole

Tony and Bob saw Iron Man together accidentally

Bob's got another game for Tony

The New Yorker is terrible

No seriously, it's terrible

"Fuck man, these are bad jokes"

Tony's not good at jokes

Let's make jokes at the New Yorker til they cancel Bob's dad's subscription

Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Episode 015 - Bonfire Nights

Mmmmmm, bonfire nights. Thank you for your patience through these trying times. You will be rewarded for your loyalty. That sounds like something a bad guy would say, and I'm ok with that. All my rowdy friend is here for Monday night.

As always, like us on Facebook, rate us on iTunes, staple us to your face. Get on our level.

And here now, the triumphant return of the Listen Along With Us Listener Guide

Bob's working on his jokes

It's Monday night and the mood is right

Tony's furious

Tony's got a long-ass headphone cord now


Tony's stance on fasting: against

Zero One Five

Tony's stance on throwing things: for

Tony's smoking weeds

Tony can't keep up the pretense

Bob's so bad at shit and can't remember things

Listener Feedback!

"Tony def doesn't look like the mayor of Braddock" - Carolyn

Matthew sent us a video, and looks like a normal dude, has a triangle on his hat and Bovril

Tony celebrates diversity every day

Chugging butts

Tony is non-ethnically specific cursed 

Non-us stuff


Listener poll!

The Pizza Party Podcast Movie, starring:
Timothy Olyphant, Haley Mills Parent Trap Style
Will Smith, Lindsay Lohan Parent Trap Style
Chase Utley and DJ Jazzy Jeff
Brian Cox and Tom Noonan
The Big Show
Channing Tatum x2
Wesley Snipes and Gucci Mane

Anthony Hopkins could play Mopo

But really: Jeff Goldblum and Busta Rhymes

Baby Names!

Don't name your kid a nickname

Popular for 2013: pussy names

Ethan's never gonna win a fistfight or touch a boob

Oliver is a monkey from the 1870's, do you like him? He's my son

Bob's been in the thick of it

Bob's daughter is slutty, named Robert

Harold MacPherson

Good thing for the Pizza Party Podcast: Dick Pole

Bob and Tony are having a baby

I whip my hair back and forth

The NHL is kind of a joke

Punch Imlach's masterpiece of trolling

Bob's back hurts :(

The Freedomites

Fuck school, take your pants off

New Teen Sensation

The English Beat

Drunk moms, grabbing Ds

Drunk moms, seeing if the chestcarpet matches the facedrapes

Tony, dancing his heart out

Tony just sang

Are you smelling it?

Bonfire Nights, by Bob (romance)

Tony knows his weights and measures

We all have our cross to bear

The Unabomber's descent into unabombing 

Secret origins

Tony's dreamcatcher is full

Tony's curated collection of Lego art is growing

Star Wars Day

Tony took his hat off

Bob was in New York, hated it

Bob got parking grifted

Tony doesn't like it when people touch his things

Randy's theme song

Crinkle time

Nice shoes, man

What's going on in the world?

Tony loves horse racing, yelling at horses

Crazy hats and shit

Pizza Party forever, thanks for listening